Protect Your Investment
Whether you’re building a brand-new pool or renovating an existing pool, safeguarding the beauty of the new finish is important. Water naturally contains contaminants and foreign matter that can stain or fade new pool surfaces.
- Effectively protects against scale, reduces the amount of plaster dust that forms, and the work and time necessary for brushing.
Removes up to 2ppm of copper and iron, preventing metal staining and plaster discoloration. - Keeps phosphates under control by removing up to 2000ppb.
- Clears the source water of organic debris and maintains remarkable clarity.
1 quart of Revive!® treats 24,000 gallons of water. It is compatible with all pool chemicals, sanitizers and pool finishes. Revive!® also continues to work in chlorine levels as high as 25ppm.
When initially filling,
add Revive!® START UP/CLEAN UP, Revive WEEKLY® or RevivePRO® into the deep end of the pool after the first 24” of water has been added.
As the water rises,
Revive!® will treat the pool walls and source water resulting in clean, clear water.
Once the pool is filled
to the appropriate level, proceed with recommended start-up care.